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  • Green Holy Basil Seeds

    Green leaf variety. Bush type herb. Native to India, used widely in Thai cuisines and tea, considered sacred in Hindu religion. Leaves have spicy musky sweet flavor with hint of chocolate. It has many culinary and medicinal uses.

  • Blueberry Seeds

    Vaccinium myrtillus is a species of shrub with edible fruit of blue color, commonly called bilberry, wimberry, whortleberry, or European blueberry.

  • Red Giant Mustard Seeds

    Flashy red green mustard leaves, pugnent. 60 days, OP. Great in salad, stir fry. Pick up baby leaves if you prefer less pugnency.

  • Oregano Seeds

    Bushy perennial herb native to Mediterranean. Italian Oregano has purple brown stem, green leaves sometimes red blushed; flower: white to rose. Use in salad, Mexican, Italian and Greek cuisines; companion spices with tomato, onion, garlic, beef. Suitable

  • Beit Alpha Cucumber Seeds

    Mediterranean variety with deliciously sweet seedless burpless cucumber that has thin skin and does not need peeling. High yeilding with most flowers are female. A parthenocarpic variety. Disease resistance: CMV, CVYV, DM, PM, WMV, ZYMV. 56 days. Single f

  • Spacemaster Cucumber Seeds

    Ideal for small gardening space or growing cucumber in apartments. Short vine produces dark green 7” long cucumber. Good for salad, burger, eating fresh. Cucumber mosaic virus resistant.

  • Detroit Beet Seeds

    Striking deep red beet flesh. Old heirloom! Tender, very sweet 7cm big globe root. This is the original variety from that many more hybrids are born for higher disease resistance,... Don’t waste green beet top that is of very high nutrition value.

  • Savory Summer Seeds

    Intensely peppery aromatic leaves. Delicious in soup, beans, meat and salad. Bushy annual herb.

  • Red Acre Cabbage Seeds

    Reliable heirloom red cabbage, only 74 days to maturity. Deep red, round head around 7” and 2 to 4 lbs. Sweet nice cabbage. Keeps exceptinally well and longer than green cabbages.

  • Japanese Early Mizuna Mustard Seeds

    Nice delicate mustard flavor without heat. Long slim white green stem, green leaves. It can grow up very big and heavy as 500 grams but flavor peaks for salad at 200 or 300 grams. 40 days, OP, a variety from Japan.

  • Small Bell Bean Seeds

    Small bean variety, a member of a vetch family. Also known as horse bean. Good innoculator (nitrogen fixing).

  • Ellagance Snow Lavender Seeds

    Very rare white lavender strain. Flowers in the first year. 12” tall only.